What is a Green CSCS Card and How Do I Get One? 

CSCS Green card UK

If you’re considering a career in construction, you’ve probably heard of CSCS cards already  – but what exactly are they? A CSCS card is a construction industry qualification that allows you to work on construction sites in the UK. There are different types of CSCS cards, and the one you need depends on the type of work you do. In this blog post, we will be discussing green CSCS cards. What are they? Why do you need one? And how do you get one? Read on for everything you need to know.


What is a CSCS card? 

A CSCS card is a Construction Skills Certification Scheme card. It is a UK-wide scheme that was set up to improve safety and standards in the construction industry. The card shows that the holder has the training and qualifications needed to do their job safely. Most construction companies will not allow workers on-site who do not have a CSCS card, so if you want to work in construction, it is important to get one. 


What is a Green CSCS card? 

There are 13 types of CSCS card, ranging from apprentice to manager. These indicate both level of experience and the worker’s role on-site. The Green CSCS card or Green Labourers card are a type of CSCS card for general labourers, rather than people with highly skilled roles on construction sites. If you are looking to start work in the construction industry (and you’re not an apprentice) you will need to apply for a green CSCS card.  


How to get a Green CSCS card? 

Before you can apply for a green CSCS card you must complete a recognised health and safety qualification, such as Portland Training’s Level 1 Health and Safety in a Construction Environment training course and pass the Level 1 Health and Safety in a Construction Environment Accredited Exam. You can find out more about Gliss Training accredited course here.  

Once you have completed both the course and exam, you can then apply for your Green CSCS card. This will involve sitting the CITB Health, Safety & Environment test (also known as the CITB H,S&E touch screen test). In order to do the touch screen test, you must book it directly with the CITB at one of their training centres. You can find your nearest CITB training centre and book a touch screen test online . 

When booking your touch screen test, you will be asked to provide your certificates as evidence of completing your relevant training. Both of these will be provided to you on completion of the training course and subsequent exam.  

You can apply for the Green CSCS card up to 2 years after taking the touch screen test, after which, you would need to re-take the test.  


How much does a Green CSCS Card cost? 

The price of the Green CSCS card training and exam can vary from provider to provider and whether you choose to do a face-to-face course or online.  

The cost of the CITB H,S &E touch screen test is £22.50, then the actual green card itself is a further £36. 


How long does a Green CSCS card last? 

Once you have received your green CSCS card, it will be valid for five years. After this time, you will need to renew your card. To renew a Green CSCS card, you must re-take the CITB touch screen test. However, you won’t be required to redo any training.  


What are the benefits of having a Green CSCS card?

There are many benefits to having a green CSCS card, including: 

– Increased employment opportunities: Most construction companies now require employees to have a green CSCS card in order to be considered for work. Construction workers are in high demand, and the jobs pay well, especially for experienced workers. 

– Improved safety on site: The card shows that you have completed health and safety training and are aware of the risks involved in construction work. This can help to create a safer working environment for everyone on site. 

– A sense of pride and achievement: Holding a green CSCS card is a great way to show that you are committed to your career in construction. It can also give you a sense of pride and achievement, knowing that you have met the required standards to work in the industry. 



A green CSCS card is a type of certification that allows you to work in the construction industry in the UK. To get a green CSCS card, you’ll need to take an approved health and safety qualification and pass a test on what you’ve learned.  With a green CSCS card, you’ll be able to access job sites and work on construction projects across the UK. 


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