Category Archives: Personal License

A comprehensive guide to personal licence in the UK

personal licence course london

A personal licence is a documentation issued by your local council that allows the holder to sell or supply alcohol in the United Kingdom. This licence is useful for people interested in joining the hospitality industry as bartenders, bar managers, and event organisers. However, you can’t just use this licence anywhere. It is only valid […]

Transform your career with the APLH Personal Licence Exam

Personal Licence Training London

If you are planning to start a hospitality business or want to sell alcohol legally then you have chosen a bright career option for yourself. The hospitality business is blooming and can help you earn a good amount of income, but there are some legal requirements you need to fulfil before entering this industry. And […]

Getting to Grips with UK Alcohol Licensing Laws: Your Easy Guide

personal licence course london

Hey there! Ever felt confused about the UK’s alcohol licensing laws? Don’t worry, you’re not alone. These laws play a huge role in keeping us all safe and ensuring responsible drinking. Let’s break it down together, so you can stay on the right side of the law and keep the good times rolling responsibly. UK […]

How Long Does It Take To Get A Personal Licence Course?

Personal License Coure London

Once you have completed the Personal Licence Training Course and received your Level 2 Award for Personal Licence Holders qualification, how long will it take for the local council and licensing authorities to process your application for your Personal Licence?   How long will it take to determine your application? How long your application for your Personal Licence takes […]

Your Handy Guide to Personal Licence London Application Process

personal license course london

Feeling a bit overwhelmed about getting your Personal Licence London? No worries, we’ve got your back! This step-by-step guide is here to make the your personal licence application process as smooth as a good cocktail. Let’s get you started on your journey to being a licensed to sell or supply alcohol.   Step 1: Understand […]

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